Samstag, 16. März 2013

Stars and Stripes " Old Glory"


   Stars and Stripes „Old Glory“

The national flag of the United States of America, mostly called: the „Stars and Stripes“, „Old Glory“, and „The Star- Spangled Banner.“      (Sternbanner)

The first draft was designed in 1765, only with white and red stripes.
(sons of Liberty Flag)

Ten Years later, the flag changed and changed again
(Sons of Liberty Flag, Grand Union Flag, Betsy Ross Flag...)

In 1777 the first flag was designed. (Betsy Ross Flag National Flag)
Thirteen red and white strips and thirteen stars on a blue background.

In 1880, Congress reduced the total amount of stripes to thirteen. (stripes had been added for every new state) and decided simply to add a star for every new state.

The design of the flag wasn´t standardized untill 1920, it presently displays fifty stars.
(the last one for Hawaii was added in 1960)
It was a long process till the slogan had been  clear from the flag of United States of America.

The colors have a symbolic meaning:

The stars and stripes: The 50 stars on the flag represent the founding states (50 states of the United States of America) and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independendence from the Kindom of Great Britain and became the first states in the Union.

White: purity
Red: endurance, bravery (Standhaftigkeit, Ausdauer)
Blue: justice (Gerechtigkeit)

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